What would you do if your singing performance went just the way you expected it to and had the success you expected on stage? Well, you'd probably do what Viva did after her last concert, which was a

Publish Date:
April 23, 2018
Video License
Standard License
Imported From:
bathtub, pants, heels, blouse,
What would you do if your singing performance went just the way you expected it to and had the success you expected on stage? Well, you'd probably do what Viva did after her last concert, which was a success: SHE CELEBRATED IT!!!! ;) Having a glass of juice in the bathtub can be a very nice way to relax after an exhausting day. The difference between many girls and Viva, is that Viva preferred to wear the outfit was wearing that night at the concert in the tub. You know, just for luck. ;)