Imola was on her way to a job interview and of course the outfit was carefully chosen for the event. She was wearing an office outfit and high heels with black pantyhose. As we talked she said that sh

Publish Date:
September 9, 2017
Video License
Standard License
Imported From:
mud, skirt, heels, shirt, messy, office clothes, pantyhose
Imola was on her way to a job interview and of course the outfit was carefully chosen for the event. She was wearing an office outfit and high heels with black pantyhose. As we talked she said that she is unemployed and looking for a job (of course that was the reason she was going to that job interview :), but I thought that I will offer her a job right away and I said to her that we will hire her for 100$ for one hour and all she have to do is to get herself and the clothes really messy in the mud pit. I did not forgot to mention that it might be possible to lose that job interview and then she will be sorry she did not accepted our offer so after I had to convince her that we are not from the "Candid Camera" show and I also offered to her a change of clothes as a gift she agree and this is how we ended up having a nice muddy update for the fans. NOTE: The video is encoded only at 720p HDV standard and the 219 pictures can be downloaded as well as any other picture set in a ZIP format or one by one.