Mirabela is a very melancholic person... of course I didn\'t knew that when I saw her walking next to a lake. I did not have to run after her, instead I\'ve just peacefully walked next to her and I as

Publish Date:
April 15, 2017
Video License
Standard License
Imported From:
sea, jeans, top,
Mirabela is a very melancholic person... of course I didn\'t knew that when I saw her walking next to a lake. I did not have to run after her, instead I\'ve just peacefully walked next to her and I asked if she is upset or just melancholic or both. After she told me that she is a melancholic type and this is the reason that she likes to walk in that silent peacefully area, she also told me that her name is Mirabela and we both agree that the English correspondent would be Mira. Mirabela is 23 years old and she is a musician. She plays at violin and she said she is pretty good at it... Anyway... I don\'t think you guys are interested in her career, instead I am sure that you are more interested how she got wet that day ;) Well we thought that we will get her to jump into the lake near us but she said that the water is infested and she will not go in. BUT she said she would be happy to come with us and enter into the sea... Perfect we said and here we go, we have our first musician in wet in her very own clothes. We hope you will enjoy the clip and pictures we took. NOTE: The clip have two versions one encoded at 4 MBPS [p1,p2 versions] and one encoded at 2 MBPS (for the slower internet connection and older PC\'s) [sv version].