Timi is 19 years old and as you can see from the sample photos, she is not ugly at all! So of course I asked her what she does for a living, and the answer was "NOTHING" - she is just pretty and that

Publish Date:
May 19, 2018
Video License
Standard License
Imported From:
gunge, messy, sandals, pantyhose, satin, dress, custard,
Timi is 19 years old and as you can see from the sample photos, she is not ugly at all! So of course I asked her what she does for a living, and the answer was "NOTHING" - she is just pretty and that is enough to grant her a good life for the moment. So we could not let her go without giving her a job. At least when she gets asked if she ever worked in her life, she will be able to say, "YES - I WAS HIRED TO POUR A BUCKET FULL OF GUNGE OVER MY CLOTHES!!!" Check out yourself if she liked the "job" or not.