When we ran into Edina, we had to make a snap decision as to whether or not we wanted to attempt to add her to our collection of "hunted" girls, as she did appear rather quickly. She was off to meet s

Publish Date:
February 6, 2019
Video License
Standard License
Imported From:
pudding, jeans, shirt, messy, wash off, boots
When we ran into Edina, we had to make a snap decision as to whether or not we wanted to attempt to add her to our collection of "hunted" girls, as she did appear rather quickly. She was off to meet some friends when we bumped into her (figuratively, mind you), and since everything was happening quickly anyway, we went ahead and skipped the small talk and asked her if she would be willing to cover herself with pudding. Like most girls, she was a bit taken aback by our request - it's not every day where someone is asked to get messy, after all. We soon found out that she is unemployed, and unemployed people can always use the money and the job experience. Since she would be getting her clothes all messy, we also would be including an outfit to replace her blue jeans, brown jacket and matching boots. She became a rather easy sell once we included what we would offer in return for her getting completely messy (money, job experience, and replacement clothing). So we hope you enj! oy seeing this 18 year-old get completely covered in pudding, along with any memorable lines that we used in our initial conversation. 5 MINUTES WASH OFF IN THE END OF THE CLIP